Friday, 16 September 2016

Week 9, Term 3

This week we farewell our lovely new friend, Jason. We hope you have a great time at your new school. We're really going to miss you.

Lots of our seeds have sprouted this week which we're all VERY excited about! We learnt what the word germinated means.

Here is a video of us singing one of our favourite songs at Brainfood Time.

Practising addition facts

Elizabeth kindly brought a seed pot from home and ran a workshop for those who missed out on our planting morning. Thanks Elizabeth!


Friday, 9 September 2016

Week 8, Term 3

This week we had Maiya start in the Zoom Room with us. Welcome Maiya!

On Monday we got a special delivery from School Kit and New World. They sent the Zoom Room and LC1 some seeds to grow. We planted them on Monday morning and have been watering them twice a day hoping to see sprouts. On Thursday our Rocket seeds had sprouted. We were all very excited! 

Friday, 2 September 2016

Week 6, Term 3

This week we have been inspired by our bean seeds growing taller and taller. We read Jack and the Bean Stalk and then made this display so we could retell the story in our own words.It's been fun saying "fee fi fo fum!" and moving the characters arounds. 

(Activities like this are especially good for encouraging the students to retell stories and sequence events in order)



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