Joy said
"It's magic! He is a chrysalis now!"
"The chrysalis is green like the leaves so that birds can't see it. They won't be able to eat it."
Said Casey.
"That means it's camouflage!" Rhys told us.
"It has beautiful gold spots" Noticed Becky.
For independent maths this week we did some building using blocks, mobilo and the train tracks. We used mathematical language such as:
bigger, smaller, longer, shorter, longest, shortest, more, less, tall, taller, wide.
This evolved into imaginative play and the buildings soon became shops that the children were selling all sorts of things from. Favourites were icecreams and chocolates. They made signs and pretended to pay money and give change for the items they were buying and selling.
These activities help to develop their contextual mathematical understandings, their oral language and interpersonal skills, as well as their confidence and imagination.
Some more photos from our week are below:
Independent art activity |
Dress ups |
Reading follow up |
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